A summary of two online articles that I have found interesting in the past week. Software as a medical device The background behind this story is one which already feels very familiar to me: software is becoming increasingly common and increasingly complex in a certain safety related industry, and there is now a need to create a standardised …
No comprende the non-functional requirements: Part 1
During my relatively short career so far, I have experienced what must be the full range of industry practices regarding requirements engineering. From working in organisations where requirements simply did not exist, through to my current role developing safety critical systems where massive resources are dedicated to ensuring requirements are accurate, verifiable and traceable. I …
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The roundup – week 48
A summary of three online articles that I have found interesting in the past week. Outsourcing woes Jack Ganssle recalls the story of an off-site consultant who died unexpectedly, taking crucial business knowledge in the form of source code to the grave with him. The article goes on to offer several pearls of wisdom that could, if taken on board, …